Small Onion Sambar/Idli/dosa Sambar


Feeds : 4

Time : 25 mins

Ingredients :

  • 2 Tomatoes
  • 1 cup of small Onion
  • Garlic 2-3 
  • 1/2 cup of toor dal(pressure cooked nicely)
  • curry leaves
  • One spoon of mustard seeds
  • 2 spoon of sambar powder
  • Half spoon hing
  • coriander  leaves
  • Salt
  • Oil 

Method :

In a pan add oil, add mustard seeds,hing,curry leaves, garlic,onion

Fry them well, now add tomatoes and salt

Add sambar powder and cooked dal

Add water and boil them for 10 min
Serve hot with mini idli/dosa 
Add ghee before Serving
